Information for Students

images of students interacting with faculty

The Student Conflict Resolution Center works with students to resolve university-based problems and concerns. Our staff provide confidential, impartial, and informal options for resolving conflicts in a fair manner. 

To the right is a list of some of the most common areas of concerns we hear from students. Refer to our DIY Resources for common University-based problems.

For more information about creating an institutional culture of graduate student advising excellence at the University, please visit

Ombud Standards

  • CONFIDENTIAL: Except under extraordinary circumstances, we do not contact anyone without your consent.
  • IMPARTIAL: The Ombud is not an advocate for any one person or group. We assist parties in exploring options toward a fair resolution.
  • INDEPENDENT: SCRC is a student services fee-funded organization that operates free from University interference.
  • INFORMAL: The Ombud does not participate in any formal proceeding. The Student Conflict Resolution Center is not an office of notice within the University community.


The process starts with a confidential conversation about the issue. We'll want to know what has happened, what action you’ve taken thus far,  and what outcome you are looking to achieve. We’ll brainstorm options with you and develop a personalized plan of action for going forward. It is your decision as to how to proceed.