Outlined below are common sources of student-instructor conflict, along with suggestions on avoiding these problems. For additional information, refer to the linked University policies in each section. If you have questions about any of the policies linked below or would like to consult regarding a particular situation, contact SCRC at 612-624-7272 or [email protected].
1. Syllabus
A helpful tool for reducing course-related complaints is an up-to-date and clearly written syllabus. To be effective, the course syllabus should clearly define the course objectives and expectations as well as address University policies and procedures that may impact course participation. A syllabus needs to be developed for each offering of a course.
Reviewing the syllabus on the first day of class is an opportunity to clarify expectations and answer questions. Major changes to the syllabus (e.g., adding a research paper or major examination) should be avoided during the term and instructors should not make major syllabus changes after the second week of the semester.
Related Policies:
Syllabus Requirements
Teaching and Learning: Instructor and Unit Responsibilities (section A)
Related Resource:
Recommended Policy Statements for Syllabi
2. Grading Criteria
A list and weight of the course measures (papers, exams, etc.) should appear in the syllabus.
If class participation and/or attendance are evaluated as part of students' grades, define what criteria will be used (attending class, asking or answering questions in class, posting on Canvas, etc.).
Some courses require a specified performance on a single component to pass the course (such as passing the final). Instructors should announce this requirement in class and highlight this requirement on the syllabus.
Midterm Notices. Professors/instructors are encouraged to provide mid-term grade alerts for students who appear to be in danger of receiving a grade of D, F, or N based on their performance through the sixth week of the semester. This is a requirement for 1000-level courses.
Related Policies:
Grade Accountability
Syllabus Requirements
Teaching and Learning: Instructor and Unit Responsibilities (section B)
3. Excused Absences and Makeup Work
The University recognizes that extenuating circumstances may impact students’ abilities to attend specific class sessions. In recognition of these situations, the Excused Absence and Makeup Work policy (revised July 2024) provides guidance regarding the types of absences the University considers excused as well as students’ and instructors’ responsibilities in communicating about absences and providing makeup work. Students who provide appropriate notification (and, if requested, verification) for an excused absence may not be penalized. Reasonable and timely accommodation should be made for all required or graded course components, including final examinations.
Students can verify physical or mental health-related absences to instructors via email, phone, in person, or using the form UM 1886: Self-Reporting of Medical Absence from Class. Instructors may not request a note from a medical provider regarding absences. If students miss graded components of a course, instructors may offer alternative assignments, but if no substitute is feasible, the missed work should not affect the final grade.
Instructors are not obligated to continue providing makeup work options to a student who has missed so many of the essential components of a course, even for legitimate reasons, that arrangements for makeup work would not be reasonable. (This does not apply to absences covered by Title IX regulations or due to pregnancy and related conditions.) If instructors have a defined number of absences allowed, after which a student is deemed to have “missed so many of the critical components of a course” that makeup work is no longer appropriate, this should be listed in their syllabus and communicated to students no later than the first day of classes.
It is useful to discuss this policy during the first class session in addition to including it in the syllabus. Conflict surrounding absences and makeup work is one of the most common grading- and instruction-related concerns that SCRC addresses.
Related Policy:
Excused Absences and Makeup Work
Related Resources:
Excused Absence and Makeup Work FAQ
Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Beliefs and Practices FAQ
4. Incompletes
An Incomplete is appropriate when extenuating circumstances prevent a student from completing the coursework on time. An “I” grade is assigned at the discretion of the instructor.
Conditions under which an Incomplete is appropriate:
- The student has already completed a substantial portion of the coursework with a passing grade.
- The student can complete the unfinished class work within a decided-upon time frame that is no later than the end of the subsequent regular term.
Once an instructor has agreed to assign an “I” grade, the student must submit a formal Incomplete Contract with the terms specified for completing the course and the instructor must sign the contract. The contract must not require the student to re-register for the course or sit in on a full course to complete the “I.”
It is helpful to link the guidance document Incomplete “I” Grade in the syllabus.
Related Policy:
Grading and Transcripts (section B)
Related Resources:
Grading Policies: Incomplete “I” grade
5. Grading Systems
Course syllabi should specify how the A-F grading system will be applied and whether or not "+" and "-" grading symbols will be used.
Conflicts tend to arise over the method used to determine grades or students' perceptions of unfair or arbitrary grading. Students are entitled to an explanation of their grade. Encourage students to discuss concerns related to grading early in the semester. Consider returning at least one major assignment before the end of the eighth week of the semester to give students the chance to withdraw before the deadline.
Inconsistency Among Graders: Multiple graders on a single assignment can result in different applications of grade criteria. Provide clear, specific grading criteria for papers and projects to both graders and students to minimize the occurrence of these problems. Comparison of mean scores issued by various graders may also help to discover evaluation inconsistencies.
Graduate and Undergraduate Students in 5000-level Course: Many instructors distinguish between graduate and undergraduate students registered for the same course. Be sure to note if grading procedures or course requirements are different for those receiving graduate credit.
Related Policies:
Grade Accountability
Grading and Transcripts
6. Outside Activities
University community members have varied schedules. To accommodate course expectations and individual schedules, trips, classes, or other activities that take place outside the regularly scheduled class-time, or at an off-campus location, should be:
- posted in the class schedule
- included on the syllabus, and
- announced during the first class
Students with legitimate academic conflicts should be provided with alternative times or assignments to satisfy course requirements.
Related Policy:
Teaching and Learning: Instructor and Unit Responsibilities (section A8)
7. Course Records
Graded materials (including exams and assignments that are not returned or picked up) must be retained for 30 days after grades for the class are posted to students’ transcripts. The grade books for each course must be maintained for one year. Students have the right to a timely review and an opportunity to discuss their grades with instructors.
Remember confidentiality and FERPA guidelines when returning work or discussing it with students. Leaving exams/papers in a pile (and/or in a public place) for students to pick up violates student confidentiality, as does posting grades by student ID# or name.
Related Policies:
Maintaining Records of Student Work
Student Education Records
Related Resource:
FERPA Resources
Safe Handling of Grading Information
8. Midterm and Final Exams
Exams are an important measure of students’ mastery of course material. Accordingly, the University has established a policy that dictates the date and time of all undergraduate finals. The dates, times, and locations of all exams (midterm and finals) should be included in the course syllabus. If the final exam is administered at a location different from where the class meets, this should be announced in class and appear in the syllabus.
The University’s examination policy addresses:
- study day restrictions
- accommodations for three or more final examinations in one calendar day
- prohibitions for changing finals dates and times
Related Policies:
Scheduling Examinations, Final Examinations, and Study Days
9. Scholastic Dishonesty
The Student Conduct Code prohibits scholastic dishonesty; this policy defines plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration, as well as providing several examples of scholastic dishonesty.
If an instructor plans to negatively impact a student’s grade on the basis of suspected scholastic dishonesty, they are required to report to the appropriate office on their campus (for the Twin Cities campus, that is the Office for Community Standards). Guidance for responding to suspected scholastic dishonesty can be found here.
Related Policies:
Board of Regents Student Conduct Code (Sections III and IV)
Teaching and Learning: Instructor and Unit Responsibilities (Section F)
Related Resources:
Responding to Scholastic Dishonesty (process overview and guidance)
Reporting Scholastic Dishonesty
Promoting Academic Integrity in Your Course
10. Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in the Classroom
Clearly define your course policy regarding the use of Generative AI (GenAI). If utilization of GenAI is acceptable in some circumstances and/or with certain conditions, be sure to offer clear guidelines on acceptable use. (For instance, it may be acceptable to use GenAI for organizing notes or brainstorming ideas, but not acceptable to use it in the generation of written content for assignments or papers.) Include these guidelines in the course syllabus and discuss your expectations about GenAI use during the first class session. Encourage students to ask for clarification if they are unsure whether their intended use of GenAI meets your acceptable use criteria.
Many learning support softwares incorporate GenAI. Be clear in your guidelines if utilization of tools such as Grammarly, translation software, or other GenAI-supported programs is acceptable or not in your course.
Related Resources:
ChatGPT Syllabus Statements (Office of the Provost)
Generative AI Teaching Resources (Center for Educational Innovation)
Generative AI in Teaching: Context and Strategies (Center for Educational Innovation)
Resources for Faculty and Instructors on ChatGPT (University Libraries)
11. Access to Instructor(s) and TAs
To ensure student access to the instructor(s) and TAs, the course syllabi should include information on how students can most effectively reach you and your TA(s) (whether by phone, email, or in person).
Office hours should be included in course syllabi. Provide appropriate notice (class email or announcement) in the event office hours cannot be held. If you need to miss virtual or in-person office hours without giving prior notice, leave a note on your door and/or send a message to the class.
Related Policy:
Teaching and Learning: Instructor and Unit Responsibilities (section A)